

Many of you have become aware of the new yearly event that is Veganuary. It was first started in 2014 and is in fact a registered charity that encourages people to try a vegan diet throughout January.

The benefits and ethics of going vegan is a deeply personal matter and one that should be decided with research and thought. According to “The Vegan Society”, the number of vegans in the UK has increased 260% in the last 10 years. Now one in five people would consider going vegan. Going vegan for just a month can be a great way to discover if it is for you in terms of diet and taste. It is hard for most people to imagine not having meat for so long. One of the points of Veganuary is to showcase all the delicious dishes out there that are not reliant on meat.


When it comes to Mexican food, you often think of meat filled tacos or burritos with cheese and sauces but much of what makes up these dishes are 100% vegan, such as Salsa, Pinto Beans, Corn or Flour Tortillas, Grilled Vegetables, Chipotle and much more. Other great Mexican foods include Avocados, tortillas chips, Corn on the cob, refried beans and jalapenos. With all these ingredients at your disposal, Mexican dishes can be flavourful and great even without the meat.

If you are eating out, you may worry that Mexican restaurants may not have a huge selection of vegan dishes. This is often not the case. They often do plenty of dishes that are both specifically vegan and dishes that are just vegan anyway. With Veganuary becoming more popular, some restaurants may even promote their vegan meals over others, even after January. With veganism seeming to be a popular topic for 2018, many restaurants will invest in the ability to provide new and exciting vegan dishes all year round.


With some dishes you may have to ask the chef if the cooking oils used are veggie or olive oil or if any dairy products have been used in foods such as guacamole. In general, restaurants today will have a large selection of vegan friendly Mexican dishes and we can expect the choices they offer to increase throughout the year. The best part of Mexican food is the choice and variety it offers. You can make your own combinations of veggies, beans, rice and sauces. All of this choice allows you to experiment as much as you want. You may even find that you don’t miss meat at all.

 If you are going to take part in Veganuary and are looking for some tasty dishes that aren’t a boring plate of boiled veg, Mexican food is the way to go! Whether you are a vegan, just trying out Veganuary, check out our range of Natural Natora products!